Spring Internship
Yoga, Meditation, Plants et shamanism
“ une night in a cave including Sacred Tobacco Ceremony and Cocoa Ceremony "
April 15 to 16, 2023
OOPEN to 10/12 people - Registrations open
In collaboration with Elodie Huertas & Patrick Dufossé
Abandon our illusions, nothing more, to see beyond and discover this space of Consciousness from which everything is possible and achievable now.
Such is the invitation of this retreat: You never take a step forward without dying to what was, without dying to your own illusions.
The Internship Program
This retreat is an invitation to discover a set of tools and practices from the four corners of the world that allow you to initiate an in-depth self-transformation.
The proposed practices are as follows:
– Therapeutic Yoga: a form of yoga accessible to all (beginners are welcome) which aims to conduct a real investigation into the evils sent by your body and your mind;
– Shamanic Yin Yoga: a slow and gentle form of yoga that aims to explore your emotions in depth;
– The breathwork: a deep work of self-liberation through breathing;
– Shamanic journeys accompanied by plants : an exploration of your unconscious worlds through tobacco and the sacred cocoa of Guatemala.
– The chanting of Mantras: sacred phrases which diminish the activity of the mind and which protect and heal the spirit;
– Energy practices: it will be a question of better understanding how energy circulates in our body and between the different people and of learning techniques to preserve and direct it;
– Pranayamas: a practice of mental purification and an ideal support for meditation;
– Meditation: discovery of passive and active meditation inspired by different traditions.
This retreat is open to everyone. The program is deliberately not detailed to allow everyone to let go.

Le Programme du Stage de Yoga
Cette rencontre est une invitation à la découverte d’un ensemble d’outils et de pratiques venant des quatre coins du monde qui permettent d’amorcer une transformation de soi en profondeur.
– Le Yoga : accessible à tous (les débutants sont les bienvenus) le yoga qui a pour objectif de mener une véritable enquête sur les maux envoyés par votre corps et par votre esprit ;
– Les rituels de purification antiques : à travers l'utilisation des chants tribaux, des danses chamaniques au cours de la nuit dans la grotte inspirés de l'hindouisme et chamanisme.
– Le breathwork : un profond travail de libération de soi grâce à la respiration.
– Voyages chamaniques et chants de guérisons avec les plantes sacrés : une exploration de vos mondes inconscients grâce au cacao sacré du guatemala.
– Les pratiques énergétiques : il s’agira de mieux comprendre comment l’énergie circule dans notre corps et entre les différentes personnes et d’apprendre des techniques ... de souffles
– Les pranayamas : une pratique de purification de mental et un support idéal pour la méditation;
– La méditation : découverte de méditation passive et active inspirées de différentes traditions
The place of the Internship
In nature in the Sainte-Beaume mountain range in places that vibrate high in nature.
7 Good reasons to participate in this course:
Find yourself and meet to love each other better.
The freshness and colors of spring in nature
The opportunity to let go, to let the veil of illusion lift, to return to your body and your well-being, to flourish within a group of caring women, to laugh, to share to listen to each other.
Strong experiences to live and beautiful encounters to initiate.
Proximity to beaches, TGV stations and airports of Aix en Provence and Nice
Tarif : 90 € 1 nuit/2jours
The price includes approximately 6 hours of teaching over the 2 days according to a specific program created by Elodie Huertas and including meditation sessions, traditional yoga practices and yoga soft flow, a shamanic and alchemical ceremony.. in kind, talking circles, des pranayamas or breathing techniques, dance and rhythmic movements.
Not included in course price
- The cost of transport
- meals - plan your meals and stove based on fruits, dried fruits .
- A young and des food satvvic fresh fruit and snacks are to be expected because the Saturday evening we will organize the Cocoa ceremony and therefore will not eat. Our only food will be Cocoa until'au next day midi.
- Possibility of carpooling.

Timetables of practice
From Saturday morning 10 a.m. to Sunday evening around 5 p.m.
Booking conditions
For participants from the Var and all regions of France combined:
Member rate: €90
Exterior price : €150
Send payment by check made payable to Elodie Huertas
Address: 226 Rte du plan de la tour, 83120 Ste-Maxime